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News Flash | INTERNATIONAL DAIRY FOUNDATION: United States Department of Agriculture data show "Americans are eating more dairy products. "

Consumption of cheese, butter and yogurt among dairy products pushed per capita consumption of dairy products to its highest level in 2019, according to data from the United States Department of Agriculture. The United States Department of Agriculture started counting milk consumption per capita in 1970, a trend that has continued to rise over the past 50 years. It's up 21% since 1975. "Americans look to the fresh nutrition of dairy products as an important measure of their dietary nutrition, and the diversity and richness of their tastes is what Americans are looking for. As the dairy industry continues to innovate, it continues to grow and grow and serve the United States,"said Michael Dykes, CEO . Over the past decade, per capita cheese consumption in the United States has increased by 19 percent, per capita butter consumption by 24 percent, and per capita yogurt consumption by 7 percent. Per capita consumption of cream picked up in 2019, up 0.5 percent from 2018. Overall, ERS's data shows that per capita milk consumption in the United States has continued to grow every year, rising 6 percent over the past five years in 2019,10 percent over the past 15 years, and 16 percent over the past 30 years. In addition, consumer demand for dairy products is changing. "We eat more dairy than we drink, and the dairy industry will continue to grow, " Dykes said. (Source: compilation, International Department, China Dairy Association)

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